[Photo] New Review Poster Added for the Upcoming Korean Movie "Drive"

New review poster added for the upcoming Korean movie "Drive" (2022)


Directed by Park Dong-hee

With Park Ju-hyun, Kim Yeo-jin, Kim Do-yoon-I, Jung Woong-in, Kim Hye-na, Lee Chae-kyung,...

Started filming: 2021/06/01
To escape from this drive, I must start the live show.
Yoo-na is a famous YouTube influencer but always looks down on others. She is invited to a cosmetic brand launching party but things don't go the way she had wanted. Tired and extremely stressed, she takes couple of shots and calls a designated driver and falls asleep. When Yoo-na opens her eyes, she realizes she's trapped in the trunk of her car. The kidnapper asks her for ransom, not just cash but to broadcast a 'kidnapping live stream' and beg for money from the viewers. But everyone thinks she's playing out a self-fabricated scenario...

Release date in Korea : 2024/06/12