Xin Dynasty Ghost - Legendary Hometown

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Xin Dynasty Ghost - Legendary Hometown

Korean Movie | 2021

귀신 신나라 - 전설의 고향 | gwi-sin sin-na-ra - jeon-seol-eui go-hyang


Directed by Lee Soong-hwan (이숭환)

Written by

80min | Release date in South Korea:

Hoseung lives with his single mother deep in the mountain. Whether Japan occupied Joseon, the world wasn't interested in upheaval and he is a young man who lives on day by day. After his mother passed away, he sometimes sleeps with a prostitute named Soo-jin, who lives in a nearby village because he has no one to lean on. He doesn't know if it's the sound of the wind or the sound of crying...
He gradually sees a faint figure approaching him.


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